About the One Page Dungeon Contest,
Welcome to the One Page Dungeon Contest! The premise behind OPDC is just as it sounds: Design a dungeon for a tabletop roleplaying game that fits onto one page. We hold an annual contest every summer to showcase your interesting and exciting creations.
The setting, the characters, the layout, and everything else that you want to put into a dungeon versus what you need to leave out for space constraints. The contest challenges you to make a fun and exciting game with these limitations. The skill is in finding the balance.
The dungeon creators (that’s you!) are what drive the contest every year. You can submit a dungeon and have it published in the annual compendium, available to all. Whether you’re an amateur or professional, gaming hobbyist or enthusiast, writer or artist, we want to see what you create!
Great one-page dungeons tell stories and are fun to play. Even if you aren’t a dungeon creator yourself, every dungeon on this site is here for you to use with your friends around the table. Whenever you have a great time with a one-page dungeon, share your story on Reddit or drop us a line.
Even amidst recessions, pandemics, and changes in the contest organization, the OPDC carries on and grows stronger every year! OPDC is currently managed by Spiel Knights, a company that works to get more people to the table (physical or virtual) to play games.
Whether you want to explore new worlds, improve your own tabletop playing, or share your hard work with others, The One Page Dungeon Contest has a place for you.